The hand's skin























I can figure out approximately the scent of that person by watching his / her hand.

Of course, I can’t tell the difference in DNA level and I’ve never tried. Still, I can figure out into several patterns just like some categories. I feel like “OK, I see, this person is this type.”
Maybe I can figure out also by watching upper arm and neck, but a hand typically shows that person’s lifestyle, age etc. and it’s easy to observe so it’s easier to determine.

When I tell about this to someone, people often ask me “what kind of hand smells good?” or “what is the bad-smelling hand type?” so I don’t talk about this often. Originally, there is nothing good or bad, better or worse in people’s scent. If there is, it is for the acquired conditions such as healthy / unhealthy, young / old, clean / unclean etc.

Moreover, it is simply that I have a habit to figure it out automatically, but I don’t mean to judge anything.


If there is one thing that can be useful about this is that, I can tell what kind of fragrance goes well to that person or not.
Maybe it’s easier if I give a rough example. For example, there are difference of skin tissue and skin background between Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid etc. It might be easier to imagine that  there is a better matching fragrance based on each skin type and surrounding environment.

For example, the cosmetic products of the same company use different formula for skincare and basic makeups for permeability and texture depending on country and market area. There is nothing wrong for fragrance to have the same differentiation.


However, I think regarding fragrance, the preference of each person which can’t be measured only by the quantity of melanin pigment, age, shagginess etc. plays a big role.
Not only preference but also trend has large influence on fragrance just like clothes.
I rarely meet the person whose fragrance matches well with the person’s original scent.
It is my impression that such rare example is often found among Europeans.
It’s not surprising since the majority of fragrance are made in Europe.



Some time ago, I took a cab.

The smell of taxi is often old person’s smell of the driver or that of car fragrance. Better is the smell of car seat.
However, the cab I took was filled with awfully sexy scent with the smell of the driver and the smell of the hair dressing or something matching perfectly. I felt something unprecedented and felt somehow weird. I couldn’t calm down until I came home.

I was watching the face of the driver from the back seat but since it was at night, I couldn’t see well.


However, I still clearly remember his hand holding the wheel.