ジヒドロジャスモン酸メチル/Methyl dihydrojasumonate
単品合成香料のHedhioneは、1960年代にクリスチャンディオールから発表されたメンズ香水「オーソバージュ(Eau Sauvage)」に採用されたことを皮切りに、香料業界では汎用的に注目された。それもそのはず偉大な調香師エドモンド・ルドニツカがFirmenich社のこのHedioneを使用したことで注目を浴びることとなったのだ。この「オーソバージュ(野生の水)」という香水のコンセプトが先か、香水が出来上がってその後にネーミングされたのが先か不明だが。このニューケミカルな香料をふんだん且つ絶妙に使用された男性フレグランスに、このネーミングをつけるセンスがなんとも粋だなと感じる。リメイクが繰り返され今も現行で販売されている名香の一つ。とにかくHedioneはそのパフォーマンスの高さが評価され、以降発表される名香たちにも頻度高く使用されるようになった。
Hedione(Methyl dihydrojasumonate)は天然のジャスミンに微量存在するMethyl jasmonateにヒントを得られて作られたと言われる。面白いのが、ケミカルとして人為的に作られた香料なのにも関わらず、後ほど天然のお茶から検出されたそう。何のお茶から検出されたのかは定かでないが、ジャスミン茶を飲んだ時の口に広がる一部分の香りにHedioneに似たものがいるのを感じる。
香りを調合するということは、デザインでいうところの 背景や文章、画像などをそれぞれ個別のレイヤーに分け、重ね合わせて最終的な1つの創作物を作ることと類似する。使用する単品香料はいわば各レイヤーを担っている。このHedioneに関してはどこの段階に紛れ込ませたか見失ってしまうほど他の素材に押されてしまいそうな控えめな香り。ただ入っているものと入っていないものの仕上がりの差が確実に違う。
※1化学工業日報社/合成香料 科学と商品知識 印藤元一著 より抜粋
※2産業図書/香料と調光の基礎知識 中島元基 編著 より抜粋
Methyl dihydrojasmonate
ー A single fragrance known as "Hedione". It is naturally present in Chinese Hedione, jasmine and black tea etc. There is the same stereoisomer as methyl jasmonate and a cis(Z)-type side chain is attached to the 2-3 positions of the cyclopentane ring. Epi-derived fragrance is richer and more floral and its strength is several times greater than that of trans(E)-derived fragrance. *1
While methyl jasmonate is usually found in natural jasmine, methyl dihydrojasmonate was discovered in a tea component. ※2ー
Single compound fragrance Hedhione was first used in “Eau Sauvage”, the fragrance for men came out in 1960s from Christian Dior. Since then, it gained versatile attention in the fragrance industry. That was because the great perfumer, Edmon Roudnitska used this Hedione in Firmenich company. Although whether the name “Eau Sauvage” or the fragrance came first is unknown. I find this naming chic for this fragrance for men heavily using new chemical fragrance. This is one of the masterpiece fragrances that has been remade since and is still sold. Anyway, the performance of Hedione was highly evaluated and since then, it was used in a number of masterpiece fragrances.
Hedione (Methyl dihydrojasumonate) is said to be made of the inspiration for Methyl jasmonate which exists in natural Jasmin in small amount. What is interesting is that, although it’s a compound fragrance, it was later found in natural tea. Although I don’t know from which tea it was found, I do feel something close to Hedione in the flavor spreading in the mouth after taking Jasmin tea.
Jasmine is one of the most distinctive flowers with a strong fragrance. But Hedione, which is also a part of this jasmine description, never has the punch and rawness of jasmine. It has a pale, almost transparent, milky-white scent like a muguet (lily of the valley). It has a faint floral note, like the thin skin of a flower petal. Endlessly light yet long-lasting.
The mixing of fragrances is similar to the design process of dividing the background, text, and images into separate layers, and then layering them on top of each other to create the final creation. The individual fragrances used are each layer, so to speak. With this Hedione, the scent is so subdued that it's easy to lose track of where it's been mixed in with the other fragrances. Still, there is a definite difference in the finish between the one with it and the one without it.
Did people first become aware of the possibilities of the beautiful scents found in natural products?
Was it the result of the development of a single fragrance that was so popular that it was discovered to exist in a natural product?
In the rut of this revolutionary material discovery, I sense the unintended miracle of fragrances.
Every single flavoring in my mind also has a character setting.
This Hedione is like a "wiseman" in “Dragon Quest”, or a "summoner" in FF (Final Fantasy)...
Once you get to know Hedione's performance, you can't help but love this exquisite and cool material.
I like this Hedione the best out of all the single aroma components.
*1 Excerpted from the book by Motoichi Indo, The Chemical Daily News / The Science of Synthetic Flavors and Fragrances
*2 Excerpted from Industrial Book / The Basics of Fragrance and Dimmer, edited by Motoki Nakajima